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Focused on collision avoidance, traffic management and situational awareness in heavy vehicles.

Three Sixty is a hardware and software platform based on an open source vehicle to vehicle communication protocol.

Still in early investment phase Three Sixty was one the key prize winning solutions to come out of 2016 BHP Minehack in Perth



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A cognitive systems research company focused on the application of deep learning to traditionally poorly tractable problems.


Formed in 2016 as part of a Western Australian Scitech sponsored start-up event, Ronin has significant expertise in data analytics, geoscience, banking and finance.

Ronin markets both AI generated exploration maps and elements of its AI tool chain.



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Ontrack is a fatigue management and emergency prepardness solution for the resources industry.

A major issue for the companies working 24/7 operations. Fatigue is currently is under recorded and under reported and represents a significant risk in mantaining a licence to operate. 

The Ontrack solution won the Cisco CIIC prize at the 2016 Woodside - Unearthed Hackerthon in Perth


If you would like to find out more about Ontrack please contact us.


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